Houllier wants Villa fit to pass test

New Aston Villa manager Gerard Houllier has introduced double training sessions so his players are fit enough to embrace the passing game he wants them to adopt. The Villa squad are undertaking fitness work in the mornings and then technical work in the afternoons as the Houllier revolution begins to take shape after nearly a month at the helm. The former Liverpool boss is putting emphasis on players doing more running when in possession of the ball - and they can only manage this effectively if fit enough. Villa defender Luke Young said: "We've had double training sessions with fitness work in the morning and more technical football in the afternoon. "I think the manager wants us as fit as we possibly can be and we have no complaints. If I was a manager, that's exactly what I would want as well and the lads are enjoying it. "We're just glad to get the morning sessions out of the way so at least we can have a bit of football in the afternoons. It's been good. Everything is being taken on board."

Source: PA

Source: PA